Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our Faves for Winter 2011

Happy New Year! After the dizzying rush of Christmas, the prospect of the New Year feels so clean and sparkly and, well, new! A chance to start fresh, regroup, and move forward. Here at Visual Jill we're excited for 2011: our website is live and amazing, thanks to our fabulous designer Conrad Jorgensen, our office is clean, and our inspiration board is overflowing with our latest ideas, discoveries, and faves for the season. We thought it would be fun to share with you some of the trends we're seeing right now. In the design world, thoughts are already well into Spring, but even here in California, we still have at least two more months of winter. So here are our faves for Winter 2011 to help you ring in the New Year with some bright, bold, and cozy inspiration:

Fight the wintertime blues with a shot of bright, warm and festive orange. Even the Farmer's Market is on trend, with oranges, clementines, and other citrus making their seasonal appearances!

Get grounded after the holiday rush and re-center yourself as the New Year begins. Take time for yourself, stop and breathe, make space for in your life for simplicity. Saffron, sandalwood, ikat, and paisley can help you remember to Be Here Now.

Regal and rich, purple has enough depth to trudge through a snowbank, the warmth to fend off an icy chill, and the presence to do it all with grace and beauty. The dreary days of winter can try to dampen your spirits, but purple will always prevail.

Op Art, bold graphics, and retro-inspired pop are having a moment. With clean, crisp lines, strong shapes, and vivid colors, a dash of any of these makes things fun and hip, with just enough edge to keep you on your toes.

When all is said and done, there's nothing like straight-up cozy to keep you warm until the Spring thaw. Pull on a fluffy, cashmere sweater, wrap yourself in a faux-fur throw, brew of cup of tea, and grab a good book. It is winter after all, and since you can't beat it, you might as well enjoy it!

*Credits: Conrad Jorgensen - Photography

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